Here's a little Christmas present from your trusty tool tinkerer. It can help you weed out invalid birth years in your collection.  It will load the birthyear list from You then load your exported collection, and the program compares the cast and crew in your collection to see if you have any entries with birth year that doesn't match the names in the birthyear list. I had a similar functionality as part of an older program, but I have taken this a steo further. Not only is the display separated in Cast and Crew, but if you have HTTPJolie installed, and you double click an entry in this program, it will select one of the profiles that have that person's credits, and open it for editing. That makes it easy to remove the birth year. Just find the person in the cast or crew list, right click and select Edit Cast Member or Edit Crew Member:  Then just delete the birth year:  Since there is just one database entry for each cast/crew member, changing it in one profile will change it for every profile where that person is credited. Note though, that the birthyear list may not be 100% up-to-date. If you have removed a valid birth year, that's not a problem for your local collection. However, when you upload a changed profile, you should always make sure that any changes that you see in the contribution screen are correct and intended changes. InvalidBYs 1.0.0I wish you all a Happy Holiday! |